About Our Roofing

Contractors In Greenwood SC

We are a roofing company based out of Greenwood South Carolina. We have been servicing clients in the area for nearly 30 years. Our family values combined with our experienced team set the stage for a great partnership. Be sure to check out our work and see why our team has some of the best roofing contractors in Greenwood SC. 

Who We Are

Family Owned & Operated

We pride ourselves in being a local family-owned and operated business.

27+ Years In The Roofing Industry

Old school roofing with just a hammer, nails, and manpower. 

Quality Assured by our Case Roofing Guarantee

A roofing job is not complete until it is done correctly. We believe in our roofing service and our team. 

Case Roofing Company


Roofing Contractors in Greenwood SC

My name is Troy Case and I’m happily married with three kids. We both love hunting and fishing. We have a small farm and raise livestock. Our employees, roofing contractors in Greenwood SC, are similar in my regard when it comes to our values and beliefs. Christian men, family-first values. I’ve been roofing for the last 27 years. 24 of those years being under my own business. My father got me in the business and I always wanted to be like him. Running a roofing company has always been something I’ve wanted to do. And the Lord has blessed my business with great clients and a healthy life. 

Only the Best Roofing Contractors in Greenwood SC


Case Roofing Guarantee

The job is never done until I do the final inspection. We guarantee your home’s new roof will keep your family safe and dry for years and years to come. If it’s not, we cover the cost to have it fixed.


Our Roofing Crew

We have a team of 8-10 men that have the standard of quality that I have. We love the families we serve and always do our absolute best. 


Experience Where it Counts

Don’t be fooled by others that are only in the business to take your money. Hiring cheap laborers that are new into the roofing business. We’ve successfully roofed well over 4200 homes in the area and have been doing this for well over 27 years. 

roofing contractors in greenwood sc

Years Roofing

Completed Homes

“Sometimes the best way to get the job done, is to just do it.”

Troy Case